Interior design in and out 2023!

We caught up with two of our favorites LA based designers to get their take on what trends we can expect to say goodbye to and some thoughts on what we can look froward to in the new year!

Laetitia Wajnapel, founder of Cinquième Gauche Interiors, had some great thoughts from tasty looking wall paint to sustainable design!

(photo courtesy of Cinquième Gauche Interiors)

Design trend you see going away in 2023? "I am quite over the postmodern pastel eighties trend! While it is super fun, it feels a little too much sometimes and I would like to see a return to a little more playful/artful chic."

Design trend you see entering the scene or getting bigger in 2023? "I would love to see more and more sustainable material choices in furniture, product design and interiors."

Easy affordable hacks to improve your current space? "The easiest and cheapest (it's all free): swap furniture around, shop your own trinket stash, cut a few branches and light as many candles as you can. Drama!"

Favorite paint colors for 2023? "I am a big BIG fan of Backdrop paints, I use them on all my projects and my perennial favorite is Moonlight (boring answer, I know, it is a warm off-white). But wait: I also LOVE their "Stromboli Chess Club" so much I would like to lick it."

If you can only splurge on one design element, what would it be and why? "Can I cheat and say two? Lighting and a REALLY comfy cool sofa. Lighting because it is the number one mood setting device in a home. It can be anything from picking the right bulb intensity/warmth/color to curating an interesting selection of lamps. As for the sofa... We are all sofa goblins at heart so it is a necessity. Pick the sofa as an investment in your future comfort. It needs to be able to receive naps, kids, pets, laptop time, movie night and more!"


Based in LA, Axel Bizzari, a young designer from France talks use of light and angles when when it comes to the making of space.

Photo Courtesy of Axel Bizzari

What would you like to see happen with interiors in 2023?

"Ditching natural stone materials in favor of ceramic or porcelain tile! Tiles can mimic the look and feel of stones like marble but without the high maintenance upkeep & care of porous natural materials. great for floors and walls but also countertops and accent finishes throughout a home- looks great as large slabs with very thin grout (1/8 inch) to create a continuous appearance as a solid surface that is broken up visually by the natural variation in each piece."
How do you change the space without a total redo?

"When it comes to lighting around a home, warmth and a variety of light sources can really enhance the mood of a room. Like a finishing touch on a whole design, lighting can really highlight and “frame” furniture and and literally (photo of recent renovation of Axel's home in the Hollywood Hills)

portray existing decor in a whole new light. Instead of recessed ceiling lights that brighten a room directly from above with harsh shadows and uniform brightness, setting up multiple light sources throughout a room can create a softer glow from different angles. You can accentuate colors, textures and shapes by playing with different lamps and fixtures dispersed around the room and better control the warmth and shadows in your design."

What something fun and unique that you look forward to seeing more of?

"Mismatched seating around a dining table or conversation pit can make any gathering space much more fun than a seating set that repeats the same form over and over. for example, a varied selection of cushiony soft seats paired with wooden chairs can then be complimented nicely by a colorful fabric bench or poof that breaks up the “skyline” of the seating arrangement."


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