Best Home Improvements to Increase your Value

Whether you’re planning to sell your home in the near future or just want to give it a facelift, there are plenty of different home improvements you can make that will increase its value. From renovating the kitchen to updating the bathrooms, here are some of the best home improvements that will help add value to your property.

Kitchen Updates

Returns an average of 98.5%

One of the best ways to add value to your home is by making changes and updates in your kitchen. Any potential buyer will be looking for a kitchen with attractive countertops, new appliances, and plenty of storage space. If you don’t have a large budget for renovating your kitchen, you can still make small changes such as replacing hardware on cabinets and drawers. Adding a fresh coat of paint is also an easy way to make your kitchen look more vibrant and inviting.

Bathroom Upgrades

Returns an average of 102%

Updating bathrooms is another great way to increase the value of your house. Replacing outdated fixtures such as toilets, showerheads, and faucets with modern ones can give any bathroom an instant upgrade. You may also want to consider installing dual sinks if you have enough space in your bathroom. And who doesn’t love a jacuzzi tub? Installing one in your bathroom can add a luxurious feel that any potential buyer would appreciate.


Making certain improvements in your home is one surefire way to increase its resale value should you choose put it on the market down the line. From upgrading kitchens and bathrooms with new fixtures and appliances to improving energy efficiency by incorporating solar panels into your roofing system—there are countless ways for you to elevate the overall look and feel of your property without having to break the bank! With these tips in mind, you can start preparing your house for sale now so that it will be ready when the time comes!

Here are some other improvements that can give you a good return!

  1. Landscaping: Returns an average of 100%

  2. Attic Bedroom Conversion: Returns an average of 93.5%

  3. Entry Door Replacement: Returns an average of 90.7%

  4. Deck/Patio/Porch Addition: Returns an average of 90.3%

  5. Basement Remodel: Returns an average of 90.1%

  6. Replace Windows: Returns an average of 89.6%


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